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In October of this year, multiple NGOs involved with the promotion of mass migration into Europe and America will be coming together in Dublin to organise a weekend of ‘immigrant and refugee leaders training.’ This is a circuitous and opaque way of announcing their attempts to build a network of supporters and lobbyists for immigration in Ireland.

The organisations involved are a classic list of shady globalist non-governmental organisations, all with ties to many other organisations with equally dubious motives. These are the Migration Policy Group, the National Partnership for New Americans and the Heinrich-Boll-Stiftung.

The first and main organiser, the Migration Policy Group, admits freely that it is funded by billionaire political-influencer George Soros’ Open Society Foundation as well as the European Programme for Integration and Migration. Not only does it take funding from the billionaire class, it also gets it from the EU itself and many intergovernmental bodies such as the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the Council of Europe, the OSCE and many more.

The second, the National Partnership for New Americans describes itself as a ‘national multi-ethnic, multiracial partnership’, that exists to leverage the power and influence of migrant communities and promote ‘welcoming and integrating newcomers into the fabric of our nation’. Very romantic language for a group pushing the kind of mass-migration that is in the process of tearing Sweden, Germany and so many other nations apart.

The third, the Heinrich-Boll-Stiftung is a think tank closely associated with the German Green Party, a party that has been a constant promoter of uncontrolled mass migration and vocal supporter of Angela Merkel’s ‘open door’ policy – something that has caused crime rates to soar and social cohesion to disintegrate.

A quick look at the articles on their websites confirms precisely what could be expected: criticisms of Hungary, Poland and other European nations attempting to safeguard their citizens from third-world immigration and the NGOs that promote it, lamentations of the ‘fear-driven, nationalist and anti-immigrant groups that are becoming a worrying trend across the US and Europe’, and much more.

Ultimately, we have to ask ourselves why we even allow these NGOs to operate in Ireland. Based on their own descriptions of themselves and their goals, as well as the goals of those financially backing them, it is entirely clear that they place the importance of promoting immigration into the West above the wellbeing of the nations they operate in.

Why should any country give free reign to international organisations determined to undermine their sovereignty and socio-cultural cohesion? In a time not so long ago these organisations would have had to register as foreign agents and be closely monitored to ensure their actions were not to the detriment of their host country. In fact over the past few years many countries in central and eastern Europe have once more put these measures in place.

Attempting to build a network of supporters and lobbyists for immigration seems a clear attempt at politically influencing our country. As we have seen from similar projects across Europe, often sponsored and run by the very same NGOs, this network is used to lobby for things such as hate speech legislation and the restriction of freedom to criticise migration policy – often under the guise of combatting a xenophobic or racist element in society that barely existed in the first place.

Not only that but they also work towards increasing the political power of migrants, the Migration Policy Group proudly announces on Twitter that it in Brussels. Why would any nation allow an international organisation to increase the political power of non-nationals at the expense of its indigenous population? It is practically beyond belief that they would happily endorse undermining the political power of native Belgians on social media.

These international organisations have found a home in Ireland and are beginning to dig in for a long-term attempt to permanently alter Irish society – all thanks to massive foreign funding and a government too ineffectual or complicit to act against it. Surely the Irish people should have a say?