by Hugh Treacy | Dec 15, 2017 | Articles
In response to the comments raised by the Minister for the Diaspora and International Development regarding John Waters’ speech at the University of Notre Dame, Hugh Treacy takes to task the ever-increasing “feelings based” censorship. John Waters...
by Hugh Treacy | Nov 13, 2017 | Articles
Donald Trump has been the elected President of the United States for a year. As inconceivable as it seemed to his opponents before his election, it is a fact. Their difficulty in coping with it is entirely their problem. What we as European conservatives should be...
by Hugh Treacy | Oct 15, 2017 | Articles
Discreet as he was about politics in later years, the record of the late Taoiseach, Liam Cosgrave, and the platforms on which he stood, speak volumes for him. Indeed, his personal conduct and the values to which he fiercely held, could well be a template for a modern...
by Hugh Treacy | Oct 1, 2017 | Articles
Recent years have been a time of great upheaval for the Irish people. The greatest change has been that the cultural and political differences that once revolved around religious and national affiliations have now been realigned along the conservative/liberal fault...