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University of Limerick’s SU Mandate: Death of Democracy on Irish campuses

University of Limerick’s SU Mandate: Death of Democracy on Irish campuses

On Wednesday, February 21st, the University of Limerick Students’ Union voted to campaign for the repeal of the 8th Amendment. The union’s official paper, An Focal, reported that a total of 256 UL students turned out to vote on whether their union would campaign to...
The Conservative’s Guide to Trinity’s 2018 SU Elections

The Conservative’s Guide to Trinity’s 2018 SU Elections

For over a week now, the excitement has been building up. First you had the hoards of students waving flyers in your face every time you walked through the Arts Block or the Hamilton Building. Then came the profile picture frames of your friends on Facebook endorsing...
The Case for the Opt-Out Option

The Case for the Opt-Out Option

Donnchadh Curran argues that while leaving the Students’ Union may not be necessarily a good thing, students should still have the chance to do so. A petition has been launched in Trinity, as many reading this will be aware, for a referendum which would enable...