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Examining Europe’s Recent Elections

Examining Europe’s Recent Elections

The past month or so saw three major elections and many fascinating political events that came hand in hand with them. On the other side of the continent Vladimir Putin’s Russia-first mandate is stronger than ever following the presidential election there. Closer to...
Putting the Irexit Conference into Perspective

Putting the Irexit Conference into Perspective

Back in 2009, Irish voters were going to the polls in the re-run of the Lisbon Treaty referendum. Ireland had voted no to this treaty in 2008 but as was the case with the Nice referendum, the authorities of the European Union did not accept ‘no’ for an...
A Case against Ethnic Nationalism and Irexit

A Case against Ethnic Nationalism and Irexit

Irexit: the new attempt of the pseudo-intellectuals to create anarchy, promote ethnic-nationalism, and enact reactionary revisionism. Despite the fact that Ireland remains one of the most pro-European states within the Union, there is no doubt that the Irexit...
Book Review: The Strange Death of Europe

Book Review: The Strange Death of Europe

“Europe is committing suicide. Or at least its leaders have decided to commit suicide. Whether the European people choose to go along with this is naturally, another matter.” Thus begins Douglas Murray’s recent and controversial bestseller: The Strange Death of...