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A Case against Ethnic Nationalism and Irexit

A Case against Ethnic Nationalism and Irexit

Irexit: the new attempt of the pseudo-intellectuals to create anarchy, promote ethnic-nationalism, and enact reactionary revisionism. Despite the fact that Ireland remains one of the most pro-European states within the Union, there is no doubt that the Irexit...
The Myth of Angela Merkel’s Germany

The Myth of Angela Merkel’s Germany

In May, Angela Merkel declared that Germany could no longer rely on Germany’s strongest traditional allies – the United States and the United Kingdom. Instead, she confidently asserted that the destiny of the European continent was “in our own hands.” (The irony...
A Letter to Western Europeans from Poland

A Letter to Western Europeans from Poland

Dear Europeans, Do not be fooled by the ideology of this new utopian neo-socialism highly promoted by the EU which in our opinion, it’s pure robbery. It is a product of an old ideology built on violence and thus intolerant of any discussion. For centuries, most...