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When does Life Begin?

When does Life Begin?

When does life begin is probably the most fundamental question in the abortion debate. The pro-life side occasionally assumes that people know the answer to this, and the pro-choice side often seems to ignore the question entirely. Yet it is the single most important...
The Conservative’s Guide to Trinity’s 2018 SU Elections

The Conservative’s Guide to Trinity’s 2018 SU Elections

For over a week now, the excitement has been building up. First you had the hoards of students waving flyers in your face every time you walked through the Arts Block or the Hamilton Building. Then came the profile picture frames of your friends on Facebook endorsing...
We deserve a better CSC

We deserve a better CSC

Several weeks ago, the Central Societies Committee (CSC) voted against a motion calling for Dublin University Gender Equality Society (DUGES) to change their name to Dublin University Feminist Society, warning that such a change could “imperil” the future...