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A Fresh Farce from the Trinity Administration

A Fresh Farce from the Trinity Administration

Earlier today an email was circulated throughout Trinity College. It announced that the board of the university had “approved a proposal from the Equality Committee that the title given to first- and second-year undergraduate students be changed from “Freshman” to the...
The Forgotten Refugees

The Forgotten Refugees

He watched his children drown; his wife was eaten alive by sharks. This is not from the script of some Hollywood horror story. This is the story of how the Lazos, a family of Cuban refugees, met their end in the waters of the Caribbean. Their only crime was attempting...
Israel, an Irrational Hatred.

Israel, an Irrational Hatred.

The last number of years have seen the Middle East descend into violence, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in Syria and a humanitarian crisis in Yemen. In Africa, Boko Haram has terrorised northern Nigeria with massacres and mass kidnapping...
We deserve a better CSC

We deserve a better CSC

Several weeks ago, the Central Societies Committee (CSC) voted against a motion calling for Dublin University Gender Equality Society (DUGES) to change their name to Dublin University Feminist Society, warning that such a change could “imperil” the future of the...