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PBP’s Disgraceful Action

PBP’s Disgraceful Action

It is more than clear that we here at The Burkean Journal have our ideological differences with Trinity’s People Before Profit, as we do with many other students’ societies and communities around the college. We do not dispute PBP’s right to self-expression which they...
“Abundistan”: The Perception of Infinite Resources.

“Abundistan”: The Perception of Infinite Resources.

Everything, except perhaps human ignorance, is finite. A telling aphorism for sure, but in the matter of economics and governance, ignorance of finite means to meet our ends is the cause of many bad outcomes. Modern politics in the post war era, marked as it is by...
From the Editors: Welcome to the Burkean Journal

From the Editors: Welcome to the Burkean Journal

It is a great pleasure for us to be writing this first editorial of the Burkean Journal and to welcome you all to this project which is no longer just an idea, but a reality. And though we cannot say that with the magazine’s launch we’ll be starting a revolution...
Electability Lost, Principle Regained

Electability Lost, Principle Regained

The recent controversy surrounding Tory grandee Jacob Rees-Mogg was illustrative of the difficulties which the issue of abortion presents to pro-life people who wish to advance politically, but it also pointed to how such figures can re-assert moral principles which...